Sunday, January 21, 2007

Terrific Triplet Sanity Saving Products

There are certain things that I have learned that you cannot compromise on in life. High thread count sheets (for me), nice towels (for Drew), and anything that can make life a tad less hectic when trying to raise / tame / handle triplets (for us).


We have 4. Why? Well, when we thought we we only going to have twins- in came the Graco Duoglider (#1). Then when Aspen became the miracle that she is- out we ran for the single stroller (#2). Knowing that we would never be alone in public with all 3 this did not seem like a big deal at the time. Then I met the triplet moms. By the end of the night- I raced home to buy the TRIPLE DECKER / BMW / LIFESAVER stroller (#3).

I love this stroller. It is so light and pretty much indestructible. But, unless I get the toddler conversion seats (which look very uncomfortable), it is finished when they are out of car seats (sniff sniff).

SO...I thought ahead. And instead of getting the Runabout which everyone AGAIN swears I will love, (but do I ever listen right away?) I got the Inglesina Triplet (#4).It's very heavy, and I have no idea how I am going to get it in my trunk. But it looks quite British pram-ish and I like it. Even though I may have to get it a license plate and tow it behind my car.


I do not have to worry about moving 3 high chairs around the kitchen, or trying to get food sludge out of the crevices- because this has none! Flat surface + removeable plastic seats = easy cleanup. Just one small problem. Dominic hates it. Screams 90% of the time he is in it. Have to work on that.

Now, if I could only find a dryer that folds baby clothes......


Cathy said...

Please don't forget about the Choo Choo Wagon. You need to buy that before they stop selling them again. I haven't used my RA since I got the wagon. I will use the RA again, just for specific reasons though. The boys LOVE the Choo Choo Wagon!

Oh, and Michele still has you beat. Ask her how many strollers were in her garage!

The Amazing Trips said...

Oh my gosh = they are so adorable, they look like real live dolls!!!

That kitchen table is very cool. I saw something similar on TV with a family that had quints.

I never had the RA, either - although, wish I did (it is terribly UGLY in my opinion). Your Ingelisa (however you spell it) is beautiful and if it weren't so heavy - I'd have one, too. I ought to get a choo-choo wagon ... I know the kids would love it. I just feel like we have enough STUFF as it is. But with triplets - you could always use more. Right?!

Heather said...

Try putting a footstool or a chair with a pillow on it under Dominic's feet while he's in the chair. He may just need the comfort. My youngest son always liked his footrest on his highchair pushed up all the way when he was little. I think its a security thing when their legs are hanging there.

Joselle said...

Cathy- I got them the choo choo wagon for Christmas from Step 2. I can't wait until they are big enough for it.

Do you think Greg would want a futon for the garage? If he took Niki's carpet....

Jen- Thanks! I love the table. In fact- Drew saw the table on the quints show and thought it would be so cool if they had it for trips. Then I just happened to find it on Plus they had free shipping which sealed the deal for me!

Heather- great idea! I will try that and see if it works. He is a BIG kicker and is used to making contact with something. Poor child must think I am suspending him from mid air!