Saturday, August 25, 2007

Sniff Sniff.....

I sold my Triple Decker :(

I loved that stroller. It was so easy just to pop the car seats right on it without removing the trio from the infant carriers. It went to a lovely couple who seem like the kind of folks that will treat it well, take it on walks to the park, keep it tidy and clean, and hopefully love it as much as I did.
So, I let the TD have one last hurrah in the garage with the other strollers. They had their own little stroller party. Little does the Inglesina know that it's on its way out - looks great- but damn is that thing a monster. Oh, and my Combi single stroller was unable to attend since it was in the back of Drew's truck.

I think I need Strollers Anonymous.


Safire said...

Finally, someone else with a stroller problem! At least you have 3 kids...I only have one and probably have as many strollers as you do...

Where are your strollers anonymous meetings? I think I need to join.

Anonymous said...

I've never posted before, but I read your blog weekly and just had to post. I have the exact same problem. My girls are just 10 months and I have a double, single, triplet jogger, runabout, and a choo choo wagon!

I would love to join the stroller anonymouse meetings.

Kimberly and the GA Guinn Trips

Joselle said...

Safire- I'll be in Maryland next week- I'll start a Stroller Anon chapetr while I am there!

Kimberly- I also have the choo choo wagon, but it's not assembled yet. And now I have my eye on that triple tricycle they had a picture of on TC. HELP!!!

Jessica said...

Strollers anon here I come. I've got 2 triples, 3 doubles, 3 singles, 2 choo choos, a bike stroller, a double bike stroller...
I need serious help.

The Amazing Trips said...

NO KIDDING. Wow, I thought I had a stroller collection ... you've totally got ME beat!!!

But where's your triplet jogger?? :)

Michele S said...

You got rid of the TD BEFORE THE GARAGE SALE??? TO WHO??? Is there a new mom I don't know about?